Creating leaders within the guitar community.

Bringing like-minded and motivated guitarists together through a network of leaders in the guitar space, helping them make a living doing what they love to do.

Our success starts with you.

Every goal, every milestone you set with your guitar playing starts with taking the first step. Join us on our journey. Enter your email address and you'll be given access to a wealth of resources and tools to help you skyrocket your playing to the next level. You'll also be added to our email newsletter, of which you can opt out any time.

Creating leaders in the guitar space.

"If you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you'll get to where you want to be" -- Eddie Van Halen

Music institutions are missing the mark for guitarists. Government funded institutions seldom partition their funds toward the creative. No matter the stamp. No matter the prestige. There must be accountability.

We have something different in mind--put the teachings, money and recourses where they help you the most: directly to the students. Not higher-ups, board members, room and board, general education, 40 million dollar studios, and cafeterias. We put your investment toward cultivating true leaders in the guitar community by allowing them to build lucrative careers as guitar players.

This sounds lofty, bold, challenging, and unlike any music college out there!

That's because we've seen with our own eyes what happens when regular people get together under a single purpose. It's never too late to start focusing on their goals and pursuing a thriving career. Welcome to the new age of guitar teaching that puts the power in the students hands.

Welcome to The ShredFest Academy-- A private guitar school without the never-ending debt.

- Al Joseph | Founder of The ShredFest Academy

A network of expert coaches that help you amplify your skills.

Stuck in a void of lost dreams? Having trouble putting all this "free" information together for yourself? What you need is a tried and tested action plan designed to help you get past that intermediate plateau and go full-time with your art.

You're getting the tools and mentorship to overcome the barriers and become a leader in the space of guitar for years to come. You'll find more than you've been looking for inside our Pro Group.

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The ShredFest Academy™ LLC