Helping old-school shredders get back in the game through a safety net of support, expert coaching, and a community to hold you accountable to your goals.

Book your strategy session here:

Swimming in a sea of disconnected information?

Swimming in a sea of disconnected information?

Stuck at an intermediate plateau in your playing? Fed up with 'paid YouTube" courses? And next thing you know you're doubting yourself. "Am I just not talented enough? Are these guitar influences just out for my money? Am I just not meant for this?"

Or maybe you're that guy staring up at the ceiling every night saying to yourself, "damn, I got the diploma, job, and girl, now I've got kids running around, all these obligations and on top of that, these new virtuosos are lapping me in ability, how am I ever going to catch up".

The answer to your breakthrough is one call away with ShredFest VIP.

Why ShredFest VIP?

AJ's story-- When AJ started teaching back in 2010 at a local music store in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania it was merely to pay the bills. Keep the lights on, if you will. However, he found out pretty quickly that he had a knack for it. Within weeks, no lie, his calendar started filing up and being also a sale associate, he learned very quickly that he had a passion for music education and leading people toward the tools and resources that truly made positive change in he student's development.

IT was through trial and error and making core connection in the community that AL was later asked to help put together clinics for the Penn State Guitar Club in that area. This was the catalyst of his passion for helping others in the guitar community. He later wnet on to pursue a career in guitar, attended Berklee College of Music and forged his skills to become the one of the world's top guitar artists of our time.

The ShredFest community understands the void that is now lost in a sea of disconnected information that often confuses the learner. Our community was created to bring that shining moment back. Pursuing a music career isn't cheap and is riddled with those that seek to take advantage of dreamers like yourself, leaving you packing your bags sooner than later. AJ's program gives guitarists like you a real shot at pursuing their dreams and even making the money they need while they do it.

This is how the ShredFest Academy was born.

Inside your VIP Membership:

Live Sessions with Al Joseph

Ever surf the web for guitar related info, or order the "this course has to be it" masterclass, or take a 1 hour coaching call with someone who's eve a master of the craft yet turns out to be a total dud? Wish you could chat with the author and hold him or her accountable to the information they provide? We're going to meet twice per month for weekly Zoom Calls where real question get actionable insights from Al Joseph himself. In 20 years of teaching this has been THE method of teaching that brings like-minded guitarist together for discussion that shines the light on issue that permeate the guitar community. You'll share insight with others that share the same issues leaving you, empowered and more confident in the solutions you'll get with actionable insights.

Daily Private Coaching

You'll get exclusive access to AJ's WhatsApp line for coaching on the daily. No more week to week sessions, just tailored coaching at your fingertips. These checkpoints are mandatory and designed to hold you accountable to your commitment to positive change in your playing. Send in video demonstrations, text, voice message, and audio files. Whenever and however we communicate, we'll stay glued together throughout your process and touch base on live group calls twice per week. This will ensure you get the support you need as you move through the material at your own pace.

30hr Course Curriculum

Get decades of experience where you'll be taught at home. Each subject is meticulously organized so that you don't miss a single puzzle pice required for you to master technique, harmony, and fretboard navigation. The key here is that we aim these teachings at the solos, rhythmic sections, and musical works that you've been needing to learn to perform on stage or in the studio. Having worked with reputable guitar educational companies such as JTC Guitar and Infinite Guitar, our community is sure you'll get teachings never taught anywhere else because these are methods that AL is perfecting in his routine to this very day. The ShredFest Pro Library will be your ultimate handbook for years and years to come.

Upgradable Services

Already a member and need exclusive attention. You'll receive massive discounts on additional one-to-one private Zoom sessions with AJ to receive specific assessment on your progress throughout the program. This is your opportunity to get a taste of the upgraded version of this program where you'll find in ShredFest VIP.

Your 30hr Guitar Curriculum:

Hear what our clients had to say!

"I can assure you guys, the UGP Program is totally worth it. Go for it!"

David Demetrio

"I'm having the most fun I've had in a long time. Thanks, AL!"

Joey Hocking

"This program provides the tools you need to level up!"

Yensa Reyes

"The community has been the most valuable aspect of this program for me!"

Jawaun Neal

"I can't say enough good things about this program so far. Looking forward to more!"

Pete De

"If you've hit that dreaded plateau, you won't look back. I promise you!"

Jon Smee

"Honestly, signing up has been the best thing I've done to becoming a better musician!"


"If I can enhance my playing using AL's strategies. Then friend, I know you can!"

Eric Beaty

"Working with AL has been the highlight of my guitar playing career!"

Ocean Ging

"I highly recommend working with AL because he's a phenomenal teacher and a great dude!"

Russ Edwards

"After 50 years of having a guitar in my hands, I can't say enough about this program!"

Jeff Dobson

"I highly recommend AL's teachings to every guitarist out there struggling with their playing!"

Pablo Wunderlich

Meet Al Joseph


A boisterous, ex-football player with an overwhelming passion to help you get back on your feet and excel past your goals. A world-renown guitarist who has collaborated along-side the likes of Marco Sfogli, Guthrie Govan, Andy James, Justin Derrico, Igor Paspalj, and many more, AL seeks to spread his wealth of knowledge and 25+ years of experience straight to YOU.

Tired of training in the dark?

Seats are limited and spots fill up fast. Ensure you get a spot in line and become a member right when the Pro membership opens. This is your chance to join a community where you get insights by the author himself, ensuring you're never left in the dark again.



BILLED first 3 months



$3200 /annually


Book your strategy session here:

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The ShredFest Academy™ LLC